About Ryan

Hello! My name is Ryan Montgomery. I started Ryan's Custom Signs back in October of 2010 and have been growing ever since! Ryan's Custom Signs started from the ground up without any employees. It all began when my mom was needing a big sign for her new store in Salem. We thought about just doing it ourselves, so I began to do some research about what it took to make signs. And in doing so, figured out what equipment was needed to make this possible, coming to the conclusion that buying the necessary equipment and tools to make the signs for them and start a small business. Unfortunately, there were shipping issues that prevented me from getting the material on time, and I was never able to make the 16' sign that they needed.
I started out having no idea how to run a business, how to make signs, marketing, operate Quickbooks, getting new customers and everything else a business needs to operate. It started off slow but I quickly learned, and so far, I have been able to manage a small home based business for almost 8 years. It has been a really neat experience for me; I've had the opportunity to make tons of signs for amazing people, and built many new relationships with my customers. I have big plans for the future, and I will continue to work hard so that I can achieve my goal of turning my small business into a large company someday.